A Right Way for Investors – From Traditional Investment to DeFi Mining in Encryption Market

Abstract: To offer a best option for all investors from traditional securities to cryptocurrency investment.

Berkshire Hathaway, a Magnate Unequal to Retail Investors

Birth of Berkshire

In 1956, Warren Edward Buffett, who was 26 years old, established an investment partnership to acquire small and medium-sized enterprises and take shares in large enterprises. In 1965, the partnership acquired control of Berkshire Hathaway Inc., a listed textile manufacturer at that time. Buffett’s partnership quickly dissolved and distributed Berkshire’s equity to its partners. Since then, Berkshire has acquired various businesses, including insurance, manufacturing, finance and media. By 2015, its return on investment had significantly exceeded market benchmarks such as the Dow Jones Industrial Average Index or S&P 500 Index. From 1965 to 2015, the Dow Jones Index rose 18 times, while Berkshire increased 12,000 times, with a CAGR of 21%, twice of the S&P Index.

Despite the transformation from partnership to limited company, Buffett has always maintained the attitude of partnership within Berkshire. These spiritual heritages are reflected in the first of the 15 principles stated in the Shareholder Manual of Berkshire, that is, “Although our form is corporate, our attitude is partnership.” The conglomerate centered on Buffett and Charlie Thomas Munger swept the capital market. Although a large number of investors tried to imitate Buffett’s investment philosophy, few followed Berkshire’s corporate practice. Thus, among many institutional investors, Berkshire has been growing steadily.


Beautiful Curve of Value Investment

Berkshire’s investment practice is full of initiative. It makes use of its sensitive business sense to take the initiative and always maintains the professional quality of discovering value targets, which enables it to get ahead and meet good enterprises in the process of investment, including many popular enterprises like Coca Cola, Apple, and Bank of America, eventually obtaining generous payback through “value” investment.

Holding Coca Cola alone is enough to shock ordinary investment institutions. In 1988, Buffett bought 593 million US dollars of Coca Cola stock. In 1989, the amount increased significantly to 1.024 billion US dollars. In 1994, the total investment reached 1.299 billion US dollars, which has remained unchanged since then. This is amazing. Of course, every investment of Berkshire is in line with the long curve growth trend.

A Right Way for Investors - From Traditional Investment to DeFi Mining in Encryption Market

Anxiety of Retail Investors

Berkshire’s record or Buffett’s charm makes people want to exchange all their chips for more, because everyone wants to earn more. However, from a personal stance, we have to admit that such a threshold will block us out. Berkshire’s high return on investment belongs to institutional investors and has nothing to do with retail investors! So how can individual investors choose a good way of investment?

Grayscale Fund, Filling up Old Bottle with New Wine

Engaging in Cryptocurrency of Wall Street

Before introducing Grayscale, we should learn about the encryption magnate, Digital Currency Group (hereinafter referred to as DCG), which is called by its founder as the Berkshire Hathaway of the encryption world. Its scale has already exceeded US $10 billion, and there are many traditional capital magnates supporting it, including MasterCard, Bain Capital, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce and New York Life Insurance. DCG has made outstanding achievements in the encryption industry, including investment in Coinbase, the world’s largest exchange, Decentraland, the leader of metaverse concept, etc. Its Grayscale, CoinDesk and Genesis are particularly famous. We will only introduce Grayscale today.

Only-In-No-Out, Rising Unilaterally

From the perspective of operation mode, the trust fund of Grayscale can be regarded as an ETF. It was investigated and dealt with by the SEC in 2014. Therefore, since then, Grayscale deliberately stopped the “redemption” function on the grounds that the SEC would not approve it, and did not strive for it any more, which led to the ETF becoming a multi-currency encrypted capital pool with multiple encrypted currencies led by bitcoin. With no channels for getting back the digital currency, the investors could only cash in the OTC market with the Grayscale trust and the currency holding of the Grayscale fund would only rise unilaterally. This is why the price of Grayscale trust has always been at a premium.

A Right Way for Investors - From Traditional Investment to DeFi Mining in Encryption Market

No Alternative for Retail Investors

Up to now, the Grayscale trust has held a total of 13 currencies, which are successively the leading projects of subdivided projects such as BTC, ETH, LINK, FIL and MANA. Although investors do not have to worry about the risk of return-to-zero, the optional power for them still lacked diversity. Grayscale, as a cryptocurrency trust, has the same over-centralized management as that of Buffett’s Berkshire. At the same time, the door of the Grayscale fund is not open to individual investors. Like Berkshire, it is a hotbed for institutional investors, which still discourages some individual investors. This way of filling new wine with old bottles has not been improved, so it seems that the Grayscale fund fails to give a better solution to personal investment!

Beginning with DeFi, No Ideal Results for TokenMak

Innovative Access

Looking back on the encryption market, DeFi is like a stimulating point of this bull market, and the story of BTC has been revived on the Yearn platform. Today, people may like to use DeFi 1.0, DeFi 2. 0 or DeFi 3 0, words with digital level, to define the development process of DeFi, but what really matters is that DeFi has been developing. Now, the governance scheme combined with DAO has become one of the pop development directions.

TokeMak, an asset reserve pool that iterates over liquidity mining, first proposed and applied the governance model of DAO TO DAO. Its operation model is to create a reactor (asset pool) for each single liquidity asset. The reactor is mainly composed of two roles, liquidity provider and liquidity guide.

Taking an Example

For example, the following are reactors created by TokeMak and AAVE:

A Right Way for Investors - From Traditional Investment to DeFi Mining in Encryption Market

The left part shows the liquidity providers (LP), who deposit a single asset into the token reactor and obtain the corresponding assets voucher to ensure that the deposited assets can be exchanged at the ratio of 1:1 when exiting. During the liquidity provision period, the non-token income obtained from the external liquidity of reactor assets will be directly deposited into the TokeMak protocol and managed by TokeMak DAO (composed of Toke holders). Liquidity providers receive only Toke rewards.

The right part shows liquidity directors (LD), who use the pledged TOKE to control the whereabouts of liquid assets in the designated reactor. They pledge their TOKE to a given reactor and use the pledge as a voting right to guide liquidity to the Dex they choose.

At present, the decentralized exchanges that can be guided by this reactor include Uniswap, Sushiswap, Banlancer and Deversifi. Liquidity guides are also rewarded by Toke. Thus, TokeMak has given investors the highest authority in terms of admission methods and options as much as possible. At the same time, in terms of income methods, TokeMak has also transformed the previous active earning into passive earning, which indeed gives individual investors some hope in addition to institutional investors.

Lack of Support

If we carefully analyze the whole “investment” steps of TokeMak, we can learn that whether it is a liquidity provider or a liquidity guide, the final earning comes from the tokens of TokeMak’s platform, which raises doubts that if TokeMak’s tokens are worthless and a large number of users are lost (including institutional and individual users), will TokeMak be eliminated? And if the answer is yes, what should the investors do?



BlackHoleDAO, Integrating with Various Advantages


Superior Protocol Mechanism

BlackHoleDAO is an upgraded version based on Olympus DAO, but such description may be too narrow. To be exact, BlackHoleDAO constructed a brand-new standardized model based on DeFi 3.0, with a burn mechanism that solved the imbalance between high inflation and deflation based on the principle of splitting and merging of the traditional stock market. Moreover, the credit loan service of DAOs is launched in the new mechanism. It can be interpreted simply as a service protocol for enterprise asset management, which includes the splitting and merging function, while providing the unsecured credit loan services based on itself. So it is like a loan business of a bank.

No Risk of Inflation

BlackHoleDAO also cleverly uses and upgrades the principles of stack and bond in Olympus. In order to solve the original high inflation problem of Olympus, BlackHoleDAO enabled the deflation mechanism on the premise of determining the total amount of tokens, which solved the problem while making passive gains.

Asset Management with DAOs

BlackHoleDAO Protocol is supported by the Treasury, with smart contracts to connect VC Pool and Donation Pool. VC Pool supports investment in multiple currencies, part of which is used to burn BHO (BlackHole DAO token) in the liquidity pool, and the rest for credit loan after the successful DAOs investment. Donation Pool receives the BUSD direct investment from investment institutions, DAOs teams and individuals, and finally gives return at twice in BUSD, and Transaction Fee Pool, in turn, provides operational support for Donation Pool, DAOs Community, and Black Hole Reactor.

A Right Way for Investors - From Traditional Investment to DeFi Mining in Encryption Market

VC Pool, the most mentionable in the BlackHoleDAO protocol, can be understood as another way to buy Bonds, except that the VC Pool only accepts valuable vouchers such as unstable tokens, NFTs and liquidity LPs. The tokens, NFTs and liquidity LPs online in the VC Pool are the tokens proposed by each DAOs community that are voted through.

Enhanced Supportive Stock (BHO)

After the VC Pool reaches a certain amount of assets, a certain proportion of different Tokens will be taken out from the liquidity LPs for grouping LPs and providing liquidity and LP loan services for leading products such as Curve, Compound and Aave. All the earnings will enter the VC Pool to support the circulation value of the stock (BHO).

Tokens that can be selected into the VC Pool need to be strictly reviewed and screened by the DAOs community. In this way, the long tail effect on potential assets by malicious behavior can be prevented, thereby avoiding the shrinkage and inflation of stocks (BHO). Such an operation is like the Grayscale fund that is decentralized, which is friendlier to individual investors. There is no doubt that excellent precipitated assets are bound to support the shares of BlackHoleDAO Protocol (BHO) to obtain a beautiful curve of steady rise. So far, a solution that can meet a variety of investment users seems to appear.


BlackHoleDAO is more like a decentralized Berkshire company. All users invest digital assets in exchange for BHO (similar to stocks), and rely on asset appreciation to provide value support for BHO. The development trend of digital assets is high-speed and upward. BHO converges digital assets of almost all categories and passively manages these assets.


Overview the Differences among the Above Mentioned :

A Right Way for Investors - From Traditional Investment to DeFi Mining in Encryption Market

Compared with the above investment method, the investment evolution mode from Buffett’s Berkshire to Grayscale fund to DeFi has changed greatly, and one thing that cannot be ignored in this process is that the compatibility of investment users is becoming more and more inclusive.

The development of investment methods enables us to provide various users with their own investment schemes, and the initial active earning has gradually become passive earning. If someone needs me to recommend an investment method suitable for them today, I think BlackHole Dao is perfect.


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Official Email: Business@blackholedao.finance
